New Features and Fixes Pushed Today

Today, we are pleased to announce the latest enhancements to, your premier destination for tasting experiences and collection management. Our team is committed to delivering a seamless and enjoyable platform for all your tastings and collection management needs.

What’s New:
  • Enhanced Tasting Observations: We’ve introduced additional options to enrich your tasting notes, providing a more comprehensive record of your sensory journey.
  • Optimized Collection Item Editor: Performance improvements have been implemented to ensure a smoother, faster editing experience for your collection items.
  • Privacy-Conscious Guest Identifiers: To foster a sense of community and enhance the tasting experience, guest observations will now display the user’s chosen “chat display name.” This update allows for a more personalized interaction without compromising the privacy of our users; public screens will continue to display only ‘Guest’ and ‘Host’ labels.
We are dedicated to respecting your privacy while enhancing your experience on Liq. Thank you for being a part of our community!