New Feature: Importing from WhiskeyShelf with CSV or Excel Support

We're excited to announce a new feature that will make managing your spirit collection even easier - you can now import your data from other services directly into Liq! The first supported service is WhiskeyShelf. If you have a list of your favorite bottles in a CSV file, you can now seamlessly bring them into your Liq account with just a few clicks.
This new import feature is perfect for those of you who have been keeping track of your spirits in other platforms or spreadsheets. Say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to a more streamlined way of managing your collection. Simply upload your file, and let Liq do the rest.
Keeping your collection up to date has never been simpler. With the ability to import from other services, you can effortlessly consolidate all your tasting notes and bottle details in one convenient location. So go ahead, give it a try and see how easy it is to bring everything together on Liq.
Ready to take your spirit collection management to the next level? Start importing from other services today and experience the convenience of having all your tastings and bottles in one place. Cheers to simpler and more organized spirit tracking with Liq!